Re: Suggestion for xhtml/html validation service

On 04.05.01 at 10:39, Nathan Miller <> wrote:

> I use PHP on my website to dynamically generate a few portions of the 
>page, such as a site menu.  When I attempt to validate
>( for example) I get
>the error that a required sub-elemnt of OPTGROUP is missing.  The OPTION
>tags are part of the output from the PHP script execution and do in fact
>appear when the page loads.  When viewing the page source using the
>validator, it appears to simply ignore that output, (because it doesnt
>load the file as a browser does?) If the method the validator uses to load
>the file being validated could be altered in a manner that it would
>include the output from the PHP script, I would greatly appreciate it.

I just checked that page using Mac MSIE 5.0 and the OPTION elements were
indeed missing. Perhaps you are doing som browser sniffing in your PHP?

Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2001 02:41:11 UTC