Unix --> NT (source code stuff)

Hello --
	Since I already had Perl on my machine decided to download the source for validator and install it.  I have found what appears to be a very small snag. In the tar ball there is a file called Entries. In the tar ball in appears in a directory '\validator\htdocs\sgml-lib\pro\usr\local\lib\sgml\ieft\' and '\validator\htdocs\sgml-lib\pro\usr\local\lib\sgml\IETF\' . The problem being that unlike *nix, the NT filesystem is case-insensitive. In those same directories there are files called Root and Repository that have the same issue. I see that these three files show up a lot in the tar ball. Will this cause any problems in running the validator?



Received on Monday, 19 February 2001 07:30:18 UTC