Re: Installing the validator on my website

On 06.09.99 at 22:18, Lasar Liepins <> wrote:

>I would like to install the HTML Validator on my own website. It's an
>Apache server running on RedHat Linux, and I have the ability to run Perl
>CGIs on it.

You need to compile and install James Clark's <URL:>
SP package, fetch the source for the validator and then modify a few paths
and URIs in it to make it work locally. I'll try to come up with a
mini-HOWTO for the stuff you need to change in the validator (it's a couple
of paths in the beginning (logs files, external binaries, etc.) and a hard
coded URI to in the "redirect_to_home_page sub).

You can also install weblint <URL:>.

Be aware though, that you need version 1.3 of the SP package (regardless of
what the requirements on say) and it won't compile with any GCC
newer then and including 2.9.5 (I haven't been able to anyway). GCC 2.7.2,
2.8.1 and EGCS 1.1.2 should work fine. That means Red Hat 5.x and a clean
Red Hat 6.0 work fine, but if you upgrade GCC you run into trouble.

It may also be easier to get the "Jade" package and install that. It
includes a compatible "nsgml" and it has autoconf support so you won't have
to twiddle so much with makefiles to compile it. Just
"./configure;make;make install".

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Received on Tuesday, 7 September 1999 02:14:11 UTC