Re: The 'speech' media type

Thanks for that, Dan. However, what I really wanted to know is which media type – 'aural' or 'speech' – to use in the interim, until the CSS3 Speech Module (hopefully!) gets more widespread support among UAs and reaches Recommendation status.

I just find the wording of the current standard a bit confusing, as it is basically ruling out *both* media types (for the present time at least):

“This means that a style sheet such as ['speech' example code] is valid, but that its meaning is not defined by CSS 2.1, while ['aural' example code] is deprecated, but defined by this appendix.”
-- CSS 2.1 Specification

(Perhaps I should really have sent this question to the more general CSS mailing list over at .)


Jordan Clark



Received on Monday, 7 November 2011 17:51:33 UTC