This mailing list is for technical discussion on Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and its specifications. All posts to this list must be about the development of the CSS specification itself. This list is the official repository of CSS WG minutes from phone conferences and face-to-face meetings.
GitHub is now the preferred place for discussing working drafts and Editor's Drafts that are published by W3C's CSS Working Group.
This list is not for posts of the form “How do I…” For those, please use mailing lists such as css-discuss. Website Tips has links to more fora.
To post messages, you have to be subscribed. Messages from non-subscribers are diverted to a human moderator and may appear with a delay.
Laurens Holst (a.k.a. “Grauw”) maintains an FAQ for CSS specification development. (For additions, please, contact Laurens directly.)
If you just want to keep informed of the development of CSS, you can also subscribe to various news feeds: combined CSS news / the CSS Working Group / CSS drafts & specifications / CSS-enabled software / tutorials, articles and CSS-related events / this mailing list.