[BUG] - upper-/lowercase seem to change during validation

The validator seems to change the upper-/lowercase of some keywords during the validation.
For example when validating this Stylesheet: ' http://home.pages.at/jalsti/css/news-screen.php ' (' http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=home.pages.at%2Fjalsti%2Fnews ') the validator throws out a bunch of warnings mentioning 'InActiveCaption' and 'InActiveCaptionText' which are written like that in the original Stylesheet, but appear on the validators site as 'InactiveCaption' and 'InactiveCaptionText' which leads to the warnings.

While this isn't a problem for private people like me, official sites could dislike warnings about a perfectly correct site...

Just to have it reported - propably I'm not the first one to notice this,
Alexander Stiebing

  [Ich mecker nicht - ich seh die Welt nur realistisch.]


Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 10:19:18 UTC