Re: I-D ACTION:draft-zigmond-tv-url-03.txt

   > A variety of software systems currently provide device-specific mappings
   from such identifiers to specific channel numbers or 
   > directly to frequencies.  These systems can be incorporated into
   television sets or set-top boxes to facilitate the interpretation of  >
   television URIs by the client device.

   What impact will time shifting of television content have on the URI scheme?
   Will the scheme allow referencing television content which has been cached
   locally and it not the current real time broadcast content?

The scheme accesses those bits that are present at the receiver at the
current time.  As such, time shifting is not visible to this scheme.

The lid: identifier is used to reference the _content_ (rather than
the bits) of the stream and may be used to address the cached contents.


Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2000 10:40:10 UTC