Re: exploring a crowdsourced certification trust metric with svg/javascript animation

Hi, Dan-

This is great stuff.

Is there a Web-facing installation that I can explore without digging 
into the source myself?

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Dan Connolly wrote (on 4/14/10 11:09 AM):
> Some of us have been noodling around...
>   Open User Community Development
> I found a python implementation of the advogato trust metric,
> but I'm struggling to get my head around it.
> So I wrote a little piece of code to simulate growth of
> a social network; people join, and they friend/follow/certify
> others with certain probabilities. Also, with some
> probability, they joined the network to exploit it
> rather than to contribute; i.e. they're evil.
> Evil folks sometimes certify other evil folks,
> but contributors know better. The python code writes
> out each step of the simulation in JSON.
> Then some javascript code, using Raphael, animates it.
> Contributors are blue; spammers are red.
> The outcome of the trust metric calculation is a 1 or 0
> after the name; it represents whether the agent is
> certified or whatever.
> To get the code and run it (assuming you have
> both hg and bzr installed):
> connolly@pav:~/projects$ hg clone
> destination directory: socialsim
> requesting all changes
> adding changesets
> adding manifests
> adding file changes
> added 12 changesets with 22 changes to 13 files
> updating working directory
> 13 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
> connolly@pav:~/projects$ cd socialsim/
> connolly@pav:~/projects/socialsim$ bzr branch lp:dracula
> Branched 12
> revision(s).
> connolly@pav:~/projects/socialsim$ mv dracula/js dracula-js
> connolly@pav:~/projects/socialsim$ python>,states.js
> connolly@pav:~/projects/socialsim$ firefox socialpg.html
> Then click "Next" to see the steps.
> For screenshots of a few steps, see:
> Note how the evil red circles remain around the edges of the network and
> never manage to penetrate toward the middle.


Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2010 16:13:47 UTC