Re: WWW Notes

Sean B. Palmer <> wrote:

>>> Hint: If you're creating a hypermedia Web, make sure that the links
>>> are two way, or have even more complex topologies!
>> Ahem? The referer header? There's been some cool work done using it.
> The reason I suggest people to have two-way linking systems (and more
> complexity, possibly) is because it can be built on top of current Web
> technologies... look at XLink.

I don't quite follow what you're saying...

> Do you have any pointers to work on two-way links with referer headers?

Yeah, everybody does the simple kind:    (even me!)

> I know Blogspace tracks links, so that's cool. Maybe I should mention all of
> this in the notes...

Yeah, and adding backlinks to Blogspace is definitely on the agenda. Of
course, they'll be edited by the website manager so that only the useful
ones get shown.

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Thursday, 8 February 2001 18:02:45 UTC