SGML to XML parser

Dear friends,

I would like to ask about James Clark sx.exe parser from SGML to XML.
I write the batch file like this :
"E:\Project\sx\sx.exe"  "-cE:\Project\sx\catalog.tex"
"-DE:\Project\sx\entities" "-fE:\Project\error.log"
-xndata -xcdata -xlower "E:\Project\Uitv.sgm" > "E:\Project\Uitv.xml"

I don't know what should the catalog.tex contain. Is it the same with
the catalog.tex in Adept Editor ?
And is the entity needed same with the Adept Editor entity files ?
I tried it with the catalog.tex and entities files same with Adept
Editor , and when I executed the parser,
it returns error like this :

E:\Project\sx\sx.exe:E:\Project\sx\catalog.tex:376:0:W: DTDDECL catalog
entries are not supported
parameter entity "corpauthor.role.attrib"
not defined
E:\Project\sx\sx.exe:E:\Project\Uitv.sgm:15:55:W: reference to internal
SDATA entity "ldquo" not allowed in
E:\Project\sx\sx.exe:E:\Project\Uitv.sgm:15:77:W: reference to internal
SDATA entity "rdquo" not allowed in
E:\Project\sx\sx.exe:E:\Project\Uitv.sgm:18:79:W: reference to internal
SDATA entity "rdquo" not allowed in

'&ldquo' and '&rdquo' are special characters in the Uitv.sgm. So it's
recognized by the Adept Editor.
Somehow, the sx.exe doesn't recognize these symbols or I miss some DTDs
or Entities for that symbols.
I think there should be the substitute for '&ldquo' and '&rdquo' in XML

Does anybody know how to handle this ? Or perhaps there is another parser
utility to parser from SGML to XML ?


Received on Thursday, 9 March 2000 03:02:58 UTC