IE and Location header

404 is a file not found Error.

If it works on Netscape, obviously the file is there.

I've had this happen when IE bashes up (destoyes) the URL.
An example (might not exactly apply to this case)

IE 4 will bash anything that looks like escaped HTML --- if you
your &section=value, &note=value , &quotation=value, etc.  you get
some funny symbols in your URL.

I am not sure that you gave the URL exactly, but the @ sign
might be giving you trouble.  Another problem might be spaces
in your URL. URLs must be URLencoded.

Things to try
1) Try the URL in IE browser directly, see what happens
and if you can fix the URL

2) Put the URL as a link in a plain HTML file.  View the source -
Does it look funny? Click on it and view the location filed in your
browser -- Does that look funny?

Tracy Adams

>> Can anyone enlighten me as to whether it is possible to send the
>> following from a cgi script and have Internet Explorer understand it.

>> Location:

>> The redirect to a Netscape client works fine.  The same Location
>> to Internet Explorer results in a 404 error although the URL is
>> submitted to stdout without hitch.  If you hit the refresh on the IE
>> browser - page displays fine. Sending a second name/value pair, i.e.,

>> &name=value instead of the state/value (;state=value) results in a
>> 404 also, which leads me to the conclusion that I may be unable to
>> send the entire URL in a Location header.  If so, any other
>> that other cgi scripters are using would be appreciated.

>> Thanks, Sue

Received on Thursday, 15 October 1998 17:06:33 UTC