Musical E-Card

You have a musical e-card at Music City, WWW.

The card is from Jimi Bah

To fully appreciate your E-Card, you will need to 
have the Crescendo plugin, which can be downloaded free 
from the following URL: 

There are versions of Crescendo for both Netscape and 
Microsoft Internet Explorer V 3.0 available there.
I strongly recommend the Streaming version , version 3.2 of Crescendo
if you plan on visiting sites with large music files.

You may pick up your card at the following URL:

Please pick up your card soon, as it will be deleted
in 7 days.

Please visit Music City, WWW soon, at: 

and tell your friends about Music City, WWW.

Received on Friday, 20 December 1996 17:13:44 UTC