Re: CGIs to manage backlink information

> After my experience with the script to capture REFERRER information
> (WWW pages pointing to pages on my server), I took a bit more
> of time to be able both to capture and serve such "backlinks" 
> within each html page.

Hi there.  I've had such a system operating on my web-sites
for a year or two now.  My system both collects the Referer:
fields and confirms all the links, actually downloading each
page to see if it really contains the link.  (Many browsers
seem to emit spurious Referer: fields -- for example, to the
last document shown even when the user is typing in a new URL
entirely.)  It checks for mirrored pages and maintains a notion
of the reliability level of each backlink.

The results are always interesting.  You can try visiting my
pages at  The word "backlinks" at the
bottom of each page is linked to the list of backlinks.  (I
grew tired of dealing with two auxiliary files, so now it's 
just a single file containing both the access stats and the

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Received on Monday, 16 December 1996 22:57:18 UTC