announcing AgentNews mailing list

AgentNews is a mailing list for periodic announcements of new items on
the UMBC agents web (<>).  New items added
to these pages will be collected and a summary mailed out several times
a month.  When we are in the mood or have had too much expresso, we may
editorialize or add our own interpretations and predications on
agent-related events.  AgentNews is one way to track what is happening
with agent-based ideas, technologies and applications as well as related
topics such as knowledge sharing, intelligent information systems, and
information retrieval.

AgentNews will be mailed out as normal text (i.e., not marked up with
HTML) but there will be a corresponding HTML source document with active
links available.  Its URL will be listed just after the date at the top
of each AgentNews issue.  Thus, if you read your mail with a web-aware
mail reader, you can click on this link to view the HTML version.

A SAMPLE ISSUE will be automatically sent in response to messages sent

TO SUBSCRIBE, send mail to with the string
"subscribe agentnews" in the message body.

SEND COMMENTS, suggestions and agent-related items and news to

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, including an archive of past issues, is available
from the AgentNews web page at <>.

Received on Tuesday, 2 January 1996 01:13:36 UTC