On Fri, 31 Mar 1995, Raymond Eisenstark wrote:

> Talk about hysteria!  A few points:
> 2. Isn't this the same "virus" that was talked about late last year?  This
>    hot news is a little stale.

It seems to me that it was even more recent than that when this hoax last
made its way around the net.
> 4. What is "an nth-complexity infinite binary loop"?  Sounds like something
>    that my sainted grandmother might be impressed by, but are you going to
>    fall for such mumbo-jumbo?  And, just how does it "severly [sic] damage
>    the processor."?  Perhaps it melts into a pool of silicon when confronted
>    by the awesome intelligence of this virus.
Thanks, it's been a _long_ week and this was a good laugh.

Ellen Carrico		  Absurdity.  A statement or belief manifestly    inconsistent with one's own opinion.
							Ambrose Bierce

Received on Friday, 31 March 1995 13:50:46 UTC