Re: Hot Java is here! And it *rocks*

>Two things: A Turing complete language does allow you to create 'all

Well, Turing's not around anymore, and I, for one, and I'd rather not hold
my breath waiting for Sun to try to get Java to become all things to all people.

My point was just that there are many types of applications that Java can't
handle or for which it isn't the optimal solution.  I'm not trying to put
Java down.  I think that it is may represent the best kind of solution for
handling GUI elements in embedded apps, for example.  APIs, on the other
hand, are good practical solutions for high-performance embedded apps now.  

>How does the user get a weblet in the first place?  I need a binary
>that my browser will launch, if I understand the scanty documentation on
>your server.  

Sorry for the thin documentation.  We're working on it.  There will be more

>Also, how the CCI++ protocol will handle inline browser 
>animation (for example) doesn't seem very clear.

We'll be releasing enhanced XMosaic browsers (with
royalty-free-for-noncommercial-use licenses) and sample Weblet source code
in 3 weeks or so.  You'll be able to download it from Eolas' Web site.

>To me it looks like   Java + scripts  == Eolas + n helper apps

Not even close.

>P.S: congrats on patent 4847604 - I think I'm gonna be sick...  

That comment is out of line.  Is your problem with the MetaMAP technology,
or with the fact that software patents exist?  The MetaMAP approach allowed
me to implement interactive hypermedia in the form of 8-bit paletted
"imagemaps" on a 256K PC even before the first copy of Hypercard was
available for the Mac.  The fact that it is a particularly effective
solution for Web-based imagemaps does not diminish the validity of the
patent.  If you just don't like the idea that innovative and useful software
technology should be protectable under U.S. patent law, then all I can say
is: grow up.

* Michael D. Doyle, Ph.D.                      email: *
* Chairman and Chief Executive Officer              phone: (510)567-1677 *
* Eolas Technologies Incorporated                     fax: (510)567-1665 *
* 7677 Oakport St., Suite 646                       pager: (800)319-6608 *
* Oakland, CA 94621                                                      * 
*                                   World Wide Web: *
*                                                                        *
*        Eolas: The Internet Isn't for Passive Browsers Anymore          *

Received on Tuesday, 28 March 1995 02:26:59 UTC