- From: by way of bret@pht.com <koji@pht.com>
- Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 12:03:52 -0600
- To: staff@pht.com, richard@pht.com (Richard Hammond), Sunghee <sunghee@pht.com>, Peter Hammond <peter@pht.com>, jenny@pht.com, koji@pht.com, www-talk@www10.w3.org, hwi@teracom.se, frystyk@w3.org (Henrik Frystyk Nielsen), www <www@pht.com>, bret@gunslinger.pht.com, Greg Hubert <greg@gunslinger.pht.com>, develop@pht.com, Michiko Bracken <michiko@pht.com>, James Bertola <jamesber@ix.netcom.com>, Peter Hammond <peter@pht.com>, www@pht.com, James Bertola <jamesber@ix.netcom.com>, Peter Hammond <peter@pht.com>, www@pht.com, Brad Midgley <brad@pht.com>, staff@pht.com, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, Peter Hammond <peter@pht.com>, <mr@sprite.cica.indiana.edu>, Peter Hammond <peter@pht.com>, jenny@pht.com, Sunghee <sunghee@pht.com>, koji@pht.com, staff@pht.com, Michiko Bracken <michiko@pht.com>, staff@pht.com, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, tech@pht.com, "Alysa Cassell" <ALYSA@gildenstern.pht.com>, wlamm@ibm.net, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, 100654.3315@compuserve.com, cliff@pht.com, peter@pht.com, bret@pht.com, richard@pht.com, Pab@pht.com, cliff@pht.com, iris@pht.comjack, Jeff@pht.com, Alysa@pht.com, Robyn@pht.com, <SUSAN@gildenstern.pht.com>, koji@pht.com, Greg Hubert <greg@gunslinger.pht.com>, jenny@pht.com, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, pab@pht.com (Peter A. Bowen), Staff@pht.com, <SUSAN@gildenstern.pht.com>, jenny@pht.com, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, koji@pht.com, jenny@pht.com, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, koji@pht.com, cliff@pht.com, develop@pht.com, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, cliff@pht.com, www <www@pht.com>, jenny@pht.com, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, koji@pht.com, <wlamm@ibm.net>, cliff@pht.com, peter@pht.com, 100654.3315@compuserve.com, postmaster@iij.ad.jp, Brad Midgley <brad@pht.com>, jenny@pht.com, koji@pht.com, www-talk@w3.org, narnett@verity.com (Nick Arnett), staff@pht.com, Cliff Miller <cliff@pht.com>, www <www@pht.com>
I should have done this earlier, but didn't really have time to do it. Here is a brief description of how to fill the database. Please send me any suggestion and opinions. - File Name: Name of the archive in the internet - DOS File Name: DOS conpatible file name you can create file names byyourself, but I recommend to make a function to do it so the conversion is consistent. - key words: we have to decide what key words we use but for now, leave them blank - author name: last name first, separated by comma. so my name is gona look "Ashida, Koji" - site & shareware status & file type: try not to add any more. Choose one from the list. If you think you need to add something, send e-mail to other people ( ones who get this mail would be good enough, I think ) with the new option - one liner: description of the file from the internet. can be copy righted - description: any descriptive text from the archive. this will be used to make another one liner by ourself - no good: doesn't run, corrupted I'm planning to add another field for _our_ one liners. Is it OK for you guys? Ask me anything about the database. Koji
Received on Monday, 24 July 1995 20:41:16 UTC