Re: File Types

On Fri, 14 Jul 1995, Brian Behlendorf wrote:

> I think what you really want to do on the server side is make sure the 
> wordperfect files have a MIME type like
> application/x-wordperfect
> or something like that (anyone?)

NCSA httpd's stock mime.types has application/wordperfect5.1, which I 
suppose is as much of a "standard" as anything.  Makes it rather painful 
to support multiple versions, I'd think.  My reading of the http spec 
says that

  Accept: application/wordperfect*

is illegal syntax, which doesn't infuse me with confidence that this is 
being addressed consistently.  On another note: I know next to nothing about 
Wordperfect, but does it allow any kind of key binding? It's rather 
sketchy to download files from untrusted sources into applications not 
built with the concept of trust in mind.

Paul Phillips                                 EMAIL:  
WWW:       PHONE: (619) 220-0850

Received on Friday, 14 July 1995 17:44:26 UTC