Re: Draft [URL] reference update to informative text

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Sam Ruby <> wrote:
> That page describes URLUtils.pathname as "a DOMString containing an initial
> '/' followed by the path of the URL."

Yeah, it's a MDN document and those are usually light on details and
focus on the typical case. Which would be http/https URLs.

> Here are test cases where Firefox 32 and Chrome 37 produce different
> results, neither of which start with an initial '/':

Note that per the URL Standard none of these schemes have paths, they
have scheme data.

> There are also plenty of examples where the URL is badly formed and an empty
> string is returned by both.  A few examples:

Again, exceptional cases, not something MDN typically worries about.

> The page indicates that Chrome, Firefox, and IE has
> "basic support", without defining what that means.  I will note that out of
> the 256 tests defined for URL spec, there isn't a single one where those
> three browsers return the same value for pathname.

I would not expect a test suite to cover the easy cases. However, the
results you have for IE seem wrong. E.g. I tested
in IE10 and I get a "/". I ran this in Live DOM Viewer:

  <a href=/>test</a>

> Before anybody attempts to infer what point I am trying to make, I'll make
> it clear:
> * Readers of this page will be done a disservice in that the information
> isn't technically accurate nor does it adequately capture the state of
> interop.

You make grand claims, but spot tests reveal issues each time.


Received on Friday, 10 October 2014 07:24:00 UTC