Re: Polyglot: the final thread?


As a developer, I really want to know there are patterns I can generate that 
work for the widest possible range of clients (browsers and otherwise).


On 17/03/2013 06:44, Larry Masinter wrote:
>> Just because the polyglot discussion awakens some of the old XML/HTML
>> politics doesn't mean it's architectural. At any rate there certainly
>> are more pressing topics for the TAG to apply its energies to.
> If the TAG is considering withdrawing its previous request, I wanted to make sure the TAG understood the reasons why I thought specifying Polyglot was important.
> Not only does it represent an enormous swath of the web (even 1% of web sites is enormous), but it is also the integrity of W3C as a responsible standards organization.
> * HTML is the most important specification in the W3C.
> * The HTML 4.01 recommendation was replaced by the XHTML 1.0 recommendation. It was important, as part of that effort, to describe a transition plan from HTML to XHTML, which was at least the motivation for Appendix C (which I supported in the HTML working group at the time).
> * Now that the intention is to obsolete XHTML with HTML (5), it would be irresponsible of W3C to not specify a transition plan for those who (for better or worse) adopted the previous W3C recommendation.
> * That is, HTML / XHTML polyglot is not some random minor transition path, it's the most important transition W3C is engaged in.
> * Perhaps only 6% of web sites hage polyglot home pages (although the use cases I imagine, the polyglot pages are more internal, where content is more important than presentation.)
> As for discussing this on public-html, I've submitted comments in the track
> Now, perhaps the 'architectural' principle is that every new version of a specification should provide an adequate description of the deployment/transition plan from the previous recommendation. HTML/XHTML polyglot should be advanced as part of that, if only to properly obsolete XHTML Appendix C.
> Larry

Received on Monday, 18 March 2013 07:54:41 UTC