Re: FYI, tag election links

On 1/1/2013 12:29 PM, Ashok Malhotra wrote:
> There seems to be overwhelming demand to extend AWWW.
> These are good points that need to be addressed.  Thanks!

Again, I think you're right, but the TAG came to that conclusion almost 
three years ago, and most people on this list seem to agree. As outlined in 
my previous e-mail, we made such an extension (for Web Apps) our top 
priority for nearly two years. My suggestion is that we will now get 
further if we start to think specifically about:

* What the scope and success criteria for such an extension will be

* How much work will take, and who will do it (e.g. which pieces are best 
done by the TAG itself, which with the help of some sort of subgroup or 
spinoff, etc.)

* What specifically we will do differently that will allow us to have more 
impact and perhaps to move more quickly than we did last time.

I've thought about this a lot. Covering Web Apps with anything like the 
range that AWWW does for "Web of Documents" means developing at least 
highlight messages for a very wide range of topics. These might be in the 
form of Principles, Constraints & Good Practice notes as in AWWW, or 
perhaps in some other form.

I think our choice will be: stay at a high level and try to get one or two 
essential messages in key areas (e.g. persistence, API design, 
HTML/JavaScript tradeoffs, or whatever turn out to be better choices); or, 
dive deep into a few areas like persistence or state identification, as 
we've been doing. Experience shows that will at best make progress in those 
few areas, but we will do it carefully and deeply. I think our choice is a 
mix of those: broad and focusing on essentials (a la AWWW), or deep and 
narrow (our other RECs and Findings).

All that begs the question of how we do either in a way that will actually 
be noticed by and be a useful contribution to the community.

Anyway, I haven't heard anyone strongly debate that extending AWWW would be 
a good thing to do in principle. I would welcome some careful though on how 
to do it in a way that will have impact in bounded time.

Thank you (and Happy New Year!)


Received on Tuesday, 1 January 2013 18:26:48 UTC