Starting planning for TAG 17 May teleconference

I'm starting the usual information gathering for the Thursday agenda, but 
the record is a little more scattered than usual, so I'd appreciate input 
on anything I'm missing. The two bits that are most obvious to include are:

* ACTION-690 pending review sort next steps on Fragment Identifiers and 
Mime Types  Jeni Tennison

* I also want to do a bit of brainstorming about the F2F agenda.

On the MAYBE list for this Thursday:

* ACTION-697 pending review prepare overview of DANE for TAG 
consideration  Larry Masinter

but the comments indicate that we are awaiting efforts by Larry to line up 
some outside experts to join us, so I assume that's not on for this week?

* A note from Ashok [1] says, somewhat cryptically:

"There are no minutes from today's [I.e. the 10 May informal] call although 
we did come to some rather startling conclusions :-)"

Anything we should discuss on Thursday.

* He also mentions IETF work on Privacy:

"Here is a link to the Privacy document from IETF that we spoke
briefly on today's informal call."

Would you like me to schedule discussion?

* Jonathan: is now the time for more discussion of ISSUE-57/httpRange-14?

* Anything else?

Thank you.



Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 19:54:27 UTC