ACTION-478: Persistence of references...discuss at F2F


It's probably just wishful thinking on my part, but the minutes of 24 May show:

<trackbot> ACTION-478 -- Jonathan Rees to prepare a second draft of a 
finding on persistence of references, to be based on decision tree from 
Oct. 2010 F2F -- due 2012-04-24 -- OPEN
<noah> JAR: Working on it, but not for F2F
<noah> JAR: Maybe should talk to Larry
<noah> ACTION-478 is a MAYBE for the F2F
<noah> ACTION-478 Due 2012-07-10

As previously signaled, we seem to have open slots on the agenda, and this 
is a long running topic on which it would be nice to move forward. The 
above makes it look like you said "no" and I heard "maybe", but I'm hoping 
that's an oversimplification.

Anyway: would it make sense for me to schedule a slot on persistence of 

Thank you.


Received on Monday, 4 June 2012 18:59:27 UTC