Re: Final draft of response to Jeff Jaffe on issue identified by the TAG

On another list, Robin and I were discussing developer tools for native 
mobile apps. He asked:

On 2/9/2012 5:25 AM, Robin Berjon wrote:
> You mean IDEs and things that make Java developers happy? Or other types
> of tools?

Well, those among others. As far as I know, iPhone developers make at least 
moderately frequent use of the WYSIWYG layout in XCode. Last I checked a 
few years ago, Microsoft was pushing not just Visual C# for developer 
types, but also Expression Blend for designers, and I assume all those 
apply for Winphone. Tools like that let you do in drag n drop some of the 
things rails developers do in code. E.g. drag a list or table control into 
your app, point it at some data source, and have the control do at least 
some self-configuration, etc. My impression is that this stuff is used by 
app developers who may not necessarily be heavy duty Java (or 
C++/C#/Objective-C) coders. Certainly the Flex tooling, though not as 
directly applicable to mobile in most cases, is/was seen by many as 
attractive when compared to the tooling available for HTML/CSS/JavaScript.


Received on Thursday, 9 February 2012 17:36:41 UTC