Schedule discussion of httpRange-14 for this week's telcon?


I confess that the recent discussion of httpRange-14 has been quite hard 
for me to follow, which means I don't have a good intuition about when 
telcon discussion would be helpful, and when to leave things go in e-mail 
for awhile.

FWIW: I sense that some of the TAG members who are not in the middle of the 
discussion would like to see a path toward focusing on some sort of end 
game, or at least significant progress that everyone can agree on. I know 
that's not easy, and perhaps not practical just now, but we really can't 
afford to have this keep spinning with its current intensity for 6 months 
or a year. So, please keep that in mind.

Thank you!


Received on Monday, 23 April 2012 21:28:04 UTC