Re: Agenda for the TAG teleconference of 1 Sept 2011

Thank you Norm. I'd be grateful if you could say a little bit about the 
planned followup to the discussion that started with my note at [1] 
proposing changes to the intro do the report.

I >think< the net of that can be summarized roughly as:

* I suggest (oversimplifying a bit here) that we should make clear that 
attempting to do actually change one or the other language, e.g. with 
something like XML5 was within the scope, and even the aspiration of the 
original effort. We couldn't find a way that we thought would meet with 
public acceptance.

* Anne and others said: not so fast. The task force never looked at it 
sufficiently carefully to conclude that one way or the other.

* I responded: fine, but then we perhaps should, with the goal of either 
pointing a direction for improving the specifications, or else deciding 
that my initial supposition was right after all. In that case, I'd likely 
argue again for my changes to the intro.

I'm not necessarily saying all this need happen before it's worth 
publishing a draft, but if the above summary is correct, we might at least 
say something about it before publishing this version? We can discuss in a 
few minutes. Thank you.



On 9/1/2011 11:18 AM, Norman Walsh wrote:
>> * First, Norm Walsh will be joining us. He is seeking guidance regarding
>> possible publication of [4]. He's waited patiently through our Aug. break,
>> so I want to see if we can do something on this ahead of the F2F.
> I promised Noah something in advance of the meeting. I meant
> "yesterday" when I said that, but the best laid plans...
> The shortest possible path between my joining the meeting and my leaving
> happy would be for the TAG to approve the publication of
> (with appropriate status and pubrules changes, naturally) as a draft
> finding, draft note, FPWD, whatever you'd like that puts it out for
> broader comment.
> Beyond that, I'm happy to talk about what the document says and what
> the TAG thinks it should say.
>                                          Be seeing you,
>                                            norm

Received on Thursday, 1 September 2011 16:41:06 UTC