Re: Agenda for the TAG teleconference of 1 Sept 2011

> * First, Norm Walsh will be joining us. He is seeking guidance regarding 
> possible publication of [4]. He's waited patiently through our Aug. break, 
> so I want to see if we can do something on this ahead of the F2F.

I promised Noah something in advance of the meeting. I meant
"yesterday" when I said that, but the best laid plans...

The shortest possible path between my joining the meeting and my leaving
happy would be for the TAG to approve the publication of

(with appropriate status and pubrules changes, naturally) as a draft
finding, draft note, FPWD, whatever you'd like that puts it out for
broader comment.

Beyond that, I'm happy to talk about what the document says and what
the TAG thinks it should say.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh
Lead Engineer
MarkLogic Corporation
Phone: +1 413 624 6676

Received on Thursday, 1 September 2011 15:19:22 UTC