Re: Backward-compatibility of text/html media type (ACTION-334, ACTION-364)

Dan Connolly wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-02-02 at 12:32 +0000, Henry S. Thompson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Three points:
>>  1) As Julian says, DOCTYPE is not the only issue;
>>  2) Ian Hickson's response appears to me to confuse two separate
>>     issues -- we're not contesting that the HTML 5 spec can define
>>     conformance as it currently does -- previous HTML specs have
>>     eliminated features and ruled old documents non-conforming to the
>>     new spec.  What's at issue is whether or not such documents can be
>>     labelled 'text/html'.  Equating the class of "can be served as
>>     text/html" with the class "conforms to this spec." is what we are
>>     objecting to
> It is? I don't recall objecting to that.
> Given a suitable definition of "conforms to this spec", I think I'm
> OK with equating it with "can be served as text/html".
> ...

So, just to be clear: once the text/html registration is changed to 
HTML5, I can't serve

as text/html anymore, as the document does not conform to HTML5 (due to 
head/@profile). Unless, of course, the definition of conformance is 
changed back to allow it.

Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2010 15:06:07 UTC