Re: TAG ACTION-407 -- text/html media type and legacy

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Further to our discussion of the HTML 5 draft approach to updating the
text/html media type registration, the TAG today agreed to request the
change below.

Your ISSUE-53 (note that we, perhaps mistakenly, had previously
suggested this would relate to HTML ISSUE 4) is relevant.

In section 12.1 [1]


    *Introduction and background*

      HTML has been in use in the World Wide Web information
      infrastructure since 1990, and specified in various informal
      documents.  The text/html media type was first officially
      defined by the IETF HTML working group in 1995 in [HTML20].

      Subsequent standardization work at the W3C relevant to this
      media type was published in [HTML32], [HTML40] and [HTML401].

      This registration updates [RFC2854] by identifying this
      specification as the relevant specification, without ruling out
      continued use of the text/html media type for older documents.

and replace

    *Interoperability considerations:*
        Rules for processing both conforming and non-conforming
        content are defined in this specification.
    *Published specification:*
        This document is the relevant specification. Labeling a
        resource with the text/html type asserts that the resource is
        an HTML document using the HTML syntax.


    *Interoperability considerations:*

        This specification defines rules for processing not only
        conforming also non-conforming documents, including those
        which conform to the early specifications listed above.

    *Published specification:*

        This document is the relevant specification. Labeling a
        document with the text/html type asserts that the document is
        a member of the HTML family, as defined by this specification
        or those listed above [ref Introduction and background], and
        licenses its interpretation according to this specification.

ht, on behalf of the TAG

- -- 
       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
      10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
                Fax: (44) 131 651-1426, e-mail:
 [mail from me _always_ has a .sig like this -- mail without it is forged spam]
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Received on Thursday, 15 April 2010 17:34:52 UTC