Re: Media Type Sub-Sub-types?

On 5 Apr 2010, at 01:07, Nathan wrote:

> For instance, if the need for an ****+rdf media type scenario came
> about, then the specification / media type could determine a fixed
> serialization, as in only n3 not rdf/xml or other.

This is really the wrong way to do things. Media types should not determine
what the content of what you are going to get back is about, only
what the syntax is. 

The way the atom people are working on creating a mime type for every
application is crazy. There are an infinite number of things one can speak about. Should we have an infinite number of mime types? Clearly not.

The better way to do things is to have do it through links. So when you have

:joe foaf:knows :jack .

The the document in which :jack is defined is clearly going to be some form of personal profile document.... At least you should find more info about jack.


Received on Monday, 5 April 2010 18:45:39 UTC