Host Meta and XRD, POWDER (ISSUE-36 ,siteData-36)

"3. The host-meta Document Format

   The host-meta document uses the XRD 1.0 document format as defined by
   [OASIS.XRD-1.0], which provides a simple and extensible XML-based
   schema for describing resources."

This pretty clearly overlaps with POWDER. I wonder why it wasn't caught at
CR or even much earlier.

Did the W3C POWDER WG neglect to engage a relevant part of the community?

Is a significant community producing things like site copyright policies 
with POWDER?
If so, and Host-Meta with XRD gets deployed, then consumers will have to 
support both formats.
That seems like a pretty clear standardization failure.

Copyright in particular isn't shown in the primer, but lots of other 
nearby stuff is:

# How does POWDER work in the real world?

    * Trustmarks
          o Visual notification
          o Monitoring
          o Description authentication
    * Accessibility
    * MobileOK
    * Child Protection
    * Functional User Experience
    * Privileged Content
    * Semantics
          o Search
          o Distinguishing opinion

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 7 December 2009 17:52:12 UTC