Re: Proposal: ARIA-ROLE & CSS definition integration

Justin James wrote:

> Raise
> your hand if your programming language of choice comes with a  
> JavaScript
> interpreter that is aware of the full HTML DOM and it is not running  
> inside
> a Web browser. :)

I think you may have missed the point of my JavaScript example. It was  
just one way you could insert ARIA semantics into the DOM by flagging  
an HTML class or id, or for that matter, by any CSS selector. The  
example was not my recommendation for how it should always be done.

>> If the 'textual analysis' mention refers to other UAs such as screen
>> readers, then remember that ARIA is about defining semantics for Rich
>> Internet Applications, almost all of which get their rich  
>> interactions
>> with the help of JavaScript.
> Then the ARIA group is being shortsighted (in an obtusely  
> complimentary
> way... they've created something much more useful that they are  
> scoping it
> for!). Seriously, from what I've read of the ARIA spec (not being a  
> member
> of the group or anything), the mistake is that it is limited to  
> RIA's; it
> should be folded in to all of HTML, and it should be quite tightly  
> linked,
> and all HTML tags should directly map to the ARIA spec.

A lot of its overlapping semantics are being folded into HTML 5, and  
vice versa. Many of the roles, states, and properties map directly.

> "Semantic Web" is a defined and explicitly stated goal of the HTML  
> spec.
> What can we do to help get us there?

One thing you could do is to help ensure that all of the ARIA  
semantics get rolled into HTML 5.

Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 04:10:18 UTC