Re: interesting hash in URLs

A GET of is done and the client  
"application" is responsible for interpreting and processing the  
fragment identifier (/video/living/2007/07/06/ 
cnn.heroes.scott.southworth.two.cnn) . Typically one would expect  
that if this is html and the client is the browser then the fragid is  
an anchor, but in this case  it appears that a script that gets run  
when that page is loaded picks up the rest of the stuff past the "#"  
and arranges for another request in which the full path is passed as  
a query parameter, that parameter being used by a different server to  
retrieve the video in question.


On Jul 26, 2007, at 10:31 AM, T. V. Raman wrote:

> So I see URLs like the following on the CNN page:
> cnn.heroes.scott.southworth.two.cnn
> So what does the '#' in that URL mean?
> -- 

Received on Thursday, 26 July 2007 15:07:10 UTC