RE: Terminology Question concerning Web Architecture and Linked Data

> From: Mark Baker
> . . . I *fully* agree
> that the representations returned from all four of those URIs
> are *about* Tim, I just don't believe that makes them the same
> resource.

This is confusing for a couple of reasons.  First, because each URI for
TimBL (a non-information resource) involves a secondary URI for an
information resource that serves a declaration of the first URI.  So it
isn't clear which URIs you're talking about, as referring to "the same

When I just tried dereferencing these URIs with wget:

On 7/7/07, Chris Bizer <> wrote:
> 1. DBpedia:
> 2. Hannover DBLP Server:
> 3. Berlin DBLP Server:
> 4. RDF Book Mashup:

they all (except for #2, which returned a 503 server error)
303-redirected to the following secondary URIs, respectively:

2. (503 server error)

Thus, the first four URIs above for TimBL may well identify the same
resource, but the second set of URIs almost certainly do not identify
the same information resource.

The other reason I find the above statement confusing is because AFAIK
only information resources *have* representations in the WebArch sense:
non-information resources do not have representations.  However, I do
not know of any official statement by the TAG to this effect.  (It would
be nice to have one.)  I have only surmised it from statements like the
following from Roy Fielding:
> I honestly don't care whether people
> think of that as the scope of information resource or some other
> limitation.  I was certainly aware of resources that had no
> representation -- Tim talked about it back in 1994.  Those resources
> simply did not matter to the model since they did not contribute to
> the Web as hypertext.

David Booth, Ph.D.
HP Software
+1 617 629 8881 office  |

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Received on Monday, 23 July 2007 16:12:11 UTC