Re: Review of "Storing Data in Documents"

On Tuesday, March 22, 2005, 1:04:38 PM, Henry wrote:

HST> I think it's a good start, and a useful summary of the background.  I
HST> think it would benefit from adding a bit more about the possibility
HST> opened up by the GRDDL approach of using 'vernacular' or 'colloquial'
HST> XML to include metadata in XHTML and other documents.

HST> GRDDL as currently implemented supports this, and allows for the
HST> mapping to be stated on a per language basis via annotations in a
HST> (RDF/W3C XML) Schema document

I was reading GRDDL the other day, and missed this option. Could you
give an example? In particular, I am looking for a way to tell RDF-aware
(and I guess GRDDL-aware and XSLT-aware) processors, which are not
SVG-aware, that the SVG metadata element means what the SVG spec says it
does :)

I can see from the spec how to do this on a per instance level. Could
you elaborate (or point to what I missed) on the per-language level?

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 14:44:11 UTC