- From: Mark Nottingham <mark.nottingham@bea.com>
- Date: Tue, 1 Feb 2005 12:34:00 -0800
- To: noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com
- Cc: www-tag@w3.org, public-ws-addressing@w3.org
Hi Noah, On Feb 1, 2005, at 6:30 AM, noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com wrote: > > At least for the moment, we have a preference for putting the joint > session on Monday morning Feb. 28, overlapping with the TAGs own > scheduled > 1/2 day F2F session. That has the advantage that most all TAG members > will be there. It also has the disadvantage that time will be somewhat > limited. So, we need to settle on a plan for how we'll use our time, > see > how much time will be needed, and either confirm that it will fit in > the > limited morning time we have or else reschedule for later. Do you mean the entire morning? We're already exceeding our chartered deadlines, and plan to go to Last Call at that meeting or shortly afterwards. As such, being able to dedicate as much time as possible to issue resolution at this F2F is extremely important to the WG (which is why we're also meeting on Sunday). So, my preference would be to have a one- or two-hour session on Monday morning to briefly introduce our work to the TAG and then discuss specific issues. If further discussion is required, we could schedule a teleconference for after the TP, so as not to put our chartered deadlines at risk. > Proposed Agenda > --------------- > > I welcome your suggestions for how to use our time, but offer the > following as strawperson agenda: > > * Orientation from WSA group for TAG members. We would benefit from a > semi-formal presentation on the following, I think: > - What are the use cases for WSA? Which such use cases are agreed to > by > WSA members and which are controversial? The WG does not have a Use Cases document as part of its deliverables, and is early in the process of collecting test cases for CR, which may serve a dual role of standing in for Use Cases. So, I doubt we will be able to prepare and review anything useful by that time. However, we could arrange for presentation of a few illustrative use cases, as long it's understood they don't *necessarily* represent consensus, or the entire set of use cases that are important to WG members. > - Brief overview of latest WSA drafts or other pertinent materials. > Explain the features of your design, and briefly show how it would be > applied to the use cases. Yes. > - Brief overview of WSA discussions/decisions that you believe relate > to > issues of interest to the TAG (presumably at least those involving > identity, use of URIs, and which abstractions in your use cases are > assigned EPRs and/or URIs), including review of unresolved areas. I think this is i001, which has been resolved. See the issues list; http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/wd-issues/#i001 as well as e-mail on the WG list with a Subject: line containing "i001"; http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?hdr-1- name=subject&hdr-1-query=i001&resultsperpage=50&sortby=date&index- type=l&index=public-ws-addressing (note that some relevant e-mails may not be so tagged). > * Focussed discussion of specific controversial issues. I need your > help > here as to how best to frame these for an agenda, how many big ones are > likely to be there, and how much time you'd guess would be right. This should include the TAG issue just opened. Beyond that, I'm not sure; any WG issues that are controversial will be discussed (and hopefully resolved) at the F2F, so it's difficult to say what issues will be existent or controversial at that time. > Preparation > ----------- > > TAG members are usually pretty good about reading materials in advance > of > meetings, and indeed we prefer to come in prepared. Our discussion > time > tends to be limited. It would be very helpful if you could point us to > materials you think we should review, presumably including the > following: > > * Use case and requirements analysis. We're trying to understand how > WSA > and EPRs will be used in practice. See above. > * Working drafts (or other drafts) that we should review. Linked from our WG home page; http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/ Note that we have a vote scheduled for next week to approve a new round of Working Drafts. In the meantime, it's most appropriate to review the current Editors' Drafts. > * Pointers to email threads or other materials that will help us to > come > up to speed on issues likely to be of interest to the TAG. I'll ask the WG to nominate some. Regards, -- Mark Nottingham Principal Technologist Office of the CTO BEA Systems
Received on Tuesday, 1 February 2005 20:34:07 UTC