Re: HTTP Methods

FWIW, I've thought long and hard about this for some time, and have
recently had some first hand experience designing and implementing a new
forms language[1].

One of my issues with forms and PUT/DELETE, is that unlike GET and POST,
neither of those methods progress the hypermedia application(*). 
Another way of saying that, I think, is that POST can be parameterized
(and GET too, though not necessarily so) such that the state to which
the application transitions is a function of some input data separate
from the set of representations available to the agent.  But with PUT
and DELETE, at any place in the application, an agent has the option of
PUTting or DELETEing a resource independent of the particular
application that it's participating in (i.e. unparameterized).

I believe this explains why PUT and DELETE support can be (and typically
*is*) handled "outside the browser window" (i.e. File->Delete,
File->Save), but parameterized-GET and DELETE need "form buttons" inside
the window.

(*) note that since PUT and DELETE can both return response entities,
they *could* be used to progress the application.  But, I haven't yet
seen an example where that makes sense, and as mentioned, believe that
the semantics of those methods are consistent with them not doing so.
But I don't know for certain that there isn't some value there, though
I'm confident, based on my experience, that the value isn't anywhere
near as high as you seem to be saying, Joe.



Received on Wednesday, 25 February 2004 09:55:48 UTC