RE: Arch Doc: 18 Sep: abstract

Not as I've come to understand it, but sense distinctions 
are usual in a nascent field.  Interaction, multiple media 
including streaming media are included.  Nelson coined hypertext; 
I don't have a precise origin for hypermedia, but hypertext 
as the general term has not been applicable for a long time.

I looked at the papers at the top of the Google returns.
These papers conflate visualization with query classification. 
There are lots of metaphorical descriptions like that.  Discussions 
of clustering, vector addressing, how to visualize in 2D and 3D 
space have been tossed around for a long time and are useful 
as long as the word senses include visualization of the 
topical clusters.  

I don't think they add any clarity to the architectural document 
unless they can be tied directly and of necessity to the 
systems themselves.  If the information space terminology 
is to be added, it should be accompanied by a precise 
abstraction with sense distinctions.  IMHO, visualization 
is an application, not an architectural distinction.


From: Roy T. Fielding []

> Except, it's wrong.  The term that is used to
> to describe 'hyperlink' systems which include multiple
> formats is 'hypermedia'.

No, that term was created by folks who wanted to distinguish
links in streaming media from those in static renderings.

> This document needs a scope-limited glossary.

Sure.  Please feel free to indicate terms that can be misunderstood,
but don't ask me to find "better" terms just because they seem
unfamiliar or awkward.  "information space", for example, is a
well-understood term in hypertext research and information
retrieval/visualization.  I have seen it used at WWW, hypertext,
CHI, and software engineering conferences, and it means the same
thing for all of them. 

For example, see the second sentence in


Received on Friday, 26 September 2003 09:28:31 UTC