Re: The OpenURL - A Distinguished URI?


FWIW, I believe there's at least one quite major architectural issue
with OpenURL (however, I don't think it's relevant to, so
I've removed it from the CC list).

See the scenario in part 1[1], section 5 for an example.  There, a
"ContextObject" serves to, amoungst other things, provide information
necessary to augment the information that isn't provided in the doi URI
for the article.  Had the article simply been given a http URI, the
ContextObject, and the rest of the OpenURL framework, wouldn't be
required in this case.

An architectural principle (or at least I think it's a principle, as
the TAG has used the term) that's ignored there, is the principle of
late binding; that identifiers should be crafted such that they
encapsulate all the information necessary to retrieve a
representation (roughly speaking).

Just my 2c.


Mark Baker.   Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 14:48:31 UTC