Re: [metaDataInURI-31] targets of sentences, was Re: Initial draft finding for public review/ comme nt.

On Monday, Jul 14, 2003, at 15:54 US/Eastern, Jonathan Borden wrote:
> This type of resource directly corresponds to the RDF "anonymous 
> resource"
> or "b-node". Thus RDF b-nodes seem to be what Roy describes as the 
> target of
> a sentence. I will go as far as to say that most if not all interesting
> resources are anonymous.

True that any relational database data which is mapped into RDF becomes,
for example, a set of bnodes.   This is data, but it not using the
power of the semantic web.  When you give things URIs, you
can give them HTTP URIs, and those can be looked up. That is
in fact useful.  This is the "web" bit of the semantic web.

for a tutorial example for just one way in this can work.

So there may be many different identifiers which people have used
for something - using a particular one invites the curious to look
up what information about it in a particular document.


Received on Tuesday, 15 July 2003 20:00:05 UTC