Invalid JAR URIs

The following recently came to my attention (in the context of
addressing into a jar file to point to a particular class).

This defines a 'jar url' as follows

>> The syntax of a JAR URL is:
>>  jar:<url>!/{entry}
>>  for example:
>> jar:!/COM/foo/Quux.class

This is useful functionality (and could be widened to other resources
that are themselves collections of files, such as zip archives), but
the syntax is not that of a URI because there are two methods. I
suspect that a better formulation would be


for example

This seems to relate to other issues (don't make a new URI scheme
unless needed, fragments).

One issue is that if the jar contained say an xml file one might want
to point to a fragment of that file

I am trying to find something more constructive to suggest than 'its
broken, stop doing that'. This functionality appears to be in
widespread deployment.


Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 07:13:38 UTC