Re: Clarifying what a URL identifies (Four Uses of a URL)

> URIs should denote cars or pictures of cars.  If a "#" is a part of a URI, 
> then Sandro's proposal[7] is mixture of the two approaches.  If a "#" is 
> *not* a part of a URI, then Sandro's proposal[7] is an example of the 
> "different context" approach.

I consider "#" to be part of a URI, so yes, my proposal is an odd
mixture.  In general, I favor the context approach; the proposal [7]
is a hopefully-clever hack to allow RDF to have disambiguated
identifiers without any change to the syntax or formal semantics.
(The only change is to the social meaning of identifiers.)

> 7.

    -- sandro

Received on Friday, 24 January 2003 00:05:06 UTC