Re: The Web Services Architecture WG position on XML profiling/subsetting

At 01:35 2003 01 17 -0700, Champion, Mike wrote:

>The Web Services architecture WG wishes to makes its position known to the
>TAG on issue xmlProfiles-29 " When, whither and how to profile W3C
>specifications in the XML Family".  As you know, this issue came to your
>attention because SOAP (since its inception) has forbidden DTD internal
>subsets, external DTD references, and processing instructions.  The reasons
>for this are very well stated in
> and.  We do
>wish to state this working group's opinion that it is vital for the W3C to
>take action to formally recognize the profile of XML that is commonly used
>in Web services applications so as to promote the use of generic XML tools
>in web services applications. 

Then since neither the above referenced email from David Fallside
nor Noah's recent responses to my email have made it any clearer to
me why such an XML profile should not include processing instructions, 
perhaps you would like to try.

I continue to fail to understand how it would be a problem for
SOAP processors merely to ignore (i.e., treat as it would an XML
comment--which are allowed by SOAP) any PI it comes across.


Received on Friday, 17 January 2003 09:52:07 UTC