Re: two failings of XLink

At 05:35 PM 9/27/2002 -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:

>|>|>| Perhaps a different example would be more useful:
>|>|>|   <object archive="archive.jar,anotherArchive.jar"
>|>|>|           classid="java:Class"
>|>|>|           data="data.xml">
>|>|>|     The applet failed to load, sorry!
>|>|>|   </object>

>  I believe I replied to
>Jeni that I didn't think the <object> tag above was a hypertext
>reference and consequently that there was no motivation to express it
>in XLink.

Ok, perhaps I need to rephrase the question.

What type of reference do you consider it, and how would you then express it?


Received on Friday, 27 September 2002 17:39:57 UTC