About XLink discussion

Steven Pemberton wrote:
>>In light of this conclusion, it is the unanimous opinion of the TAG
>>that XLink should be used for hypertext references in XHTML 2.0.
> It is not clear you have the authority to say that.

We certainly have the right to our opinions; of course they may be wrong 
:), which is why this mailing list exists.

Although I wasn't authorized to do so, I think I can safely say, on 
behalf of the TAG, that we realize that this is a controversial area and 
that there's a lot of history.

Speaking for myself, I'm going to hold off this discussion for a couple 
more days to leave time and room for people to put opinions on the 
record and interact.  Also, I know for a fact that several of the TAG 
members are on the road in the immediate future.  So I thought it was 
worth posting here to say that even if there's no immediate feedback, 
we're not ignoring the issues.

Now, speaking for myself, a couple of meta-issues:
- Specific subject lines, more so than "TAG Opinion on XLink", would be 
very helpful; thanks in advance.
- I think it would benefit everyone if the discussion were to include 
coverage of the *technical* issues as regards HTML and hyperlinking 
markup syntax.


Received on Thursday, 26 September 2002 11:28:49 UTC