Re: Another RDDL/RDF proposal

Dave Beckett wrote:

> Here is a pointer to how to put XML content at end of an RDF property arc:
> (it happens not to be mixed content in the example there; it could
> easily have been, I could change it).  So mixed content could be:
> <ex:prop rdf:parseType="Literal"
>              xmlns:a="">some stuff here
>     <a:Box required="true">
>     blah blah <a:widget size="10" />
>     this is mixed content yes?
>   <a:grommit id="23" />
>   </a:Box>
> blah</ex:prop>

What I want to do is this:

<rddl:description rdf:parseType="Literal" rdf:datatype="&xhtml;Flow.mix"
    <h1>Some typed XML</h1>
    <p>This is an example of typed XML. It is intended to validate according
to xhtml:Flow.mix. Now if RDF allowed this I might actually have a prayer of
writing a document that could be RDF and which I could incorporate valid
snippets of RDF, e.g. fragements of XHTML.
    <p><b>Perhaps you have a different solution to this use case.</b></p>

However this isn't legal RDF as you don't allow typed XML literals.


Received on Tuesday, 12 November 2002 22:10:19 UTC