RE: TAG document: SOAP HTTP GET binding available

I like this, it's very simple (you mentioned it before [1]). It's also
possible that the content of a SOAP message may contain URI references
identify resources associated with the operation in hand.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Masinter []
> Sent: 08 May 2002 01:41
> To:
> Subject: RE: TAG document: SOAP HTTP GET binding available
> Is it necessary for there to be a HTTP GET "binding"
> to meet the desired state that web accessible results
> be accessible with URIs?
> If you take the "DRAFT Finding" literally:
>   All important resources should be identifiable by URI.
>   Following references in the web is safe; i.e. agents do not
>      incur obligations by following links 
> You could accomplish these principles by advising
> that "results of operations other than GET 
> should have a Content-Location".
> If content-location were supported in SOAP as a result
> header, you would accomplish the objectives to "allow
> the client to make a link to the information about
> the product, bookmark it, or use it with any of the
> many Web technologies... that depend on info being
> URI addressable."

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2002 21:24:47 UTC