RE: Potential new issue: PSVI considered harmful

----Original Message----- 
From: Tim Bray [] 
Sent: Thu 6/13/2002 11:03 AM 
Subject: Re: Potential new issue: PSVI considered harmful

>Yes.  Actually, I'm not proposing any specific mechanism, just leaving
>the door open by decoupling the notion of an augmented infoset from that
>of validation.


>Er, I didn't propose a new working group.  I do propose decoupling the
>augmented infoset from the process of validation.


> I can imagine doing type
>annotation in a much more lightweight way than bringing a large complex
>declarative schema facility to bear.  In fact, why shouldn't I just be
>able to jam something into the instance or infoset saying "this
>attribute here is an integer"?

W3C XML Schema already has this facility through xsi:type[0]. However I can't even begin to imagine how this system would work without validation. How would one express simple or complex without looking at some predefined schema and comparing the instance with that schema? Or do you propose this only for simple types? Similarly how would one annotate attributes in an instance documents when attributes themselves are meant to annotate elements? 


Received on Thursday, 13 June 2002 14:33:14 UTC