Re: XML-* [was: ... XML subsetting...]

Regarding the proposal to prohibit recursive entities:

Other than some concerns about the rate at which we introduce any 
incompatible changes into XML, I think this is a sound idea that deserves 
serious consideration.  Speaking for myself, it probably eliminates some 
of the concerns about denial of service in particular. 

Again speaking  for myself, I don't think it deals with the other concerns 
that make internal subsets and entities problematic in SOAP.  The note 
from the XMLP group should go out soon, but in a nutshell, you still have 
to deal with lots of buffer management issues and string rewriting issues 
in a high performance parser, and I think one could make the case that all 
of that opens you up a bit more to buffer overrun problems etc.  My own 
concern is mainly with performance, and with the fact that having the 
internal subset in there raises questions of how to propagate it through 
SOAP intermediaries, etc. 

Bottom line:  I suggest that insofar as SOAP's experiences are the issue, 
we wait for the note from XMLP, which should be out by Monday if not 
today.  I do think we'll find that eliminating recursive entities does not 
eliminate all the concerns that raise issues for SOAP.   Thanks.

Noah Mendelsohn                              Voice: 1-617-693-4036
IBM Corporation                                Fax: 1-617-693-8676
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Friday, 6 December 2002 10:08:02 UTC