[SVG2 CR] Media Fragments image fragments and SVG fragment identifiers


Media Fragments
are referenced to ensure, that authors can select a part of an image for 
display and for fragment identifiers as well.

I tried Mozilla Gecko (Firefox) and WebKit (Chromium) and looked in the
implementation report of this recommendation.
Obviously since 2012 there is no implementation interest (at least for spatial 

Is it really a clever idea to reference to this, if major implementors ignore
It is not even mentioned as a features are at risk.
For a similar reason some features are removed in SVG 2 already, which have 
already implementions by other vendors.

Is there really a realistic chance to have this feature usable for authors of 
SVG 2 documents?
Wouldn't it be better to use the viewBox attribute to provide this 
functionality for the image element instead?

At least ensure, that the SVG 2 test suite includes related tests.


Received on Saturday, 17 September 2016 13:17:12 UTC